The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, established in 2007, is responsible for monitoring graduate studies, including such tasks as developing, revising and carrying out periodic updates of programs, in accordance with the development of prospective curricula in prestigious universities and the needs of the local and regional job markets. This is done in coordination with the university’s academic Schools. In addition, the Deanship monitors graduate students' affairs in the various programs from the time they apply for admission through to graduation.
The university currently offers twelve graduate programs. King Hussein School of Computing Sciences offers a PhD program in Computer Science, in addition to Master's degrees in Computer Science, Information Systems Security and Digital Criminology, Enterprise Systems Engineering, and Data Science. A program in Information Health Technology has recently been introduced.
King Talal School of Business Technology offers Master’s programs in Business Entrepreneurship, Business Analytics, and e-Marketing & Social Media. The latest addition is program in Financial Technology and Accounting Analytics.
King Abdullah II School of Engineering offers a Master’s program in Electrical Engineering, an umbrella covering most of the disciplines involved in Electrical Engineering, such as Computer Engineering, Communication Engineering, Power and Energy Engineering, and Electronic Engineering. Also available is a Master’s program in Engineering Management, which is a joint program with the University of Arizona in the US. Upon completion of the program requirements, the student is eligible for two certificates, one from PSUT and one from the University of Arizona.
To encourage outstanding students and provide them with the opportunity to undergo training in academic work such as teaching, lab supervision, and engaging in scientific research, the university has adopted a policy of granting academically outstanding students scholarships in the form of TA or RA. Students who are awarded these grants are exempted from tuition fees and receive a monthly financial stipend. The Deanship also helps students who meet the criteria for obtaining scholarships from the Scientific Research Support Fund to prepare their applications.
The university, through the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, coordinates scientific research, encourages and supports its publication, and provides financial support to faculty members and full-time lecturers at the university to carry out scientific research. It also encourages cooperation among researchers at the university and the establishment of specialized and interdisciplinary research teams. Furthermore, cooperation with other institutions both locally and internationally is highly encouraged.
The university's scientific research budget comes from two main sources: the allocation of scientific research in the overall PSUT budget, and the support of projects received by faculty members from outside the university. The university has a number of research projects funded from outside.
Scientific research at the university consists of the faculty members’ research activities, their research activities with graduate students through the supervision of their theses, and research activities conducted with the undergraduate students through supervising their graduation projects. It is worth mentioning that the university is unique among private Jordanian universities in that it may grant faculty members Sabbatical leave based on a scientific research project submitted to and approved by the relevant committees and councils.
In order to provide opportunities for faculty members and graduate students to interact with researchers working in local, regional or international academic or research institutions, the university encourages and supports their participation in specialized conferences. The university also encourages and supports organizing specialized conferences within Jordan, and encourages researchers to attend and participate in these conferences.
Due to the fact that university ranking organizations, whether international or local, consider only research papers published in journals or conference proceedings that are indexed in Thomson Reuters or Scopus, PSUT has given this issue a great deal of attention. This is evident in the university's regulations and incentives. According to the regulations, a faculty member may not be tenured or promoted unless he/she publishes a certain number of research works in journals indexed in Thomson Reuters or Scopus. In addition, the university has introduced an incentive scheme that provides financial rewards for those who publish in prestigious high-impact journals.
Dean of King Abdullah I School of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research
Prof. Raed Musleh