DART Entrepreneurial Club

DART Entrepreneurial Club

Dream, Aim, Reach, and Target is what that acronym DART stands for and what the club aspires to.

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Cyber Security Club
Cyber Security Club

The club was established in 2018, and it aims to raise awareness of cybersecurity issues among PSUT students.

Debate Club
Debate Club

The Debating Club is a prominent project specialized in the field of debates and awareness-building in Jordan and the Arab world.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE)

With branches in many universities around the world, IEEE is the largest global organization concerned with technology.

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Hult Prize Club
Hult Prize Club

The Club Was Established in 2021, this club promotes the Hult Prize and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Training and Workshops

 Data Analysis/Analytics course
Dec 16, 2024

Data Analysis/Analytics course

The syllabus of this course has been carefully designed to cover the fundamental topics of Data Analysis/Analytics course

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Artificial Intelligence Training
Sep 29, 2024

Artificial Intelligence Training

This course provides a concise introduction to the fundamental concepts in machine learning and popular machine learning algorithms.

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Center of Excellence for Library Services at Jordanian Private Universities

The Center of Excellence for Library Services at Private Jordanian Universities was established in the year 2020, to support the educational process and research movement at the Member Universities and to support digital transformation and e learning. The Center is part of Princess Sumaya University for Technology. it includes Fifteen members: Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Al-Ahliyya Amman University, Philadelphia University, Al-Isra University, Irbid National University, Middle East University, Aqaba University of Technology, The World Islamic Science and Education University, University of Petra, Applied Science Private University, Amman Arab University, Zarqa University, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University College for Innovation, and Luminus Technical University College ,Jadara University.

The Queen Rania Center for Entrepreneurship

The Queen Rania Center for Entrepreneurship (QRCE) is a non-profit organization established in 2004 to help develop the field of technology entrepreneurship in Jordan. The Center is part of Princess Sumaya University for Technology, and plays the role of a national center of excellence for entrepreneurship. With the expansion of the role of the center and the development of a strategic plan, QRCE aims to complete an ecosystem for entrepreneurship development and support in the country, starting with the Queen Rania National Entrepreneurship Competition (QRNEC) which is open to universities, entrepreneurs and professionals from different sectors. Working closely with local and international organizations, QRCE focuses on areas such as networking, awareness development, training, support and funding.

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QRCE Events