This program focuses on electronics as a specialty in the electrical engineering arena. It provides students with up-to-date courses in microelectronics and applications.
The Computer Engineering program at PSUT is based on a state-of-the-art curriculum that incorporates the latest advancements in Computer Architecture, Computer Networks, Machine-learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Embedded Systems.
This program, which is the first of its kind in Jordan, offers its students the latest trends in the subjects of security for computer networks and information systems.
The curriculum of the program is the first of its kind in Jordan that focuses on both electrical power and energy. It provides students with up-to-date courses in electricity generation, distribution and control.
The Master’s in Engineering Management study program is designed to equip you with practical and theoretical knowledge of modern engineering, alongside with management & business skills.
The program provides expertise in fundamental engineering principles. It aims to equip students with a deep understanding of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, internet-based technologies, wireless communications, and computer networks.
The world is currently experiencing the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the most important features of which are artificial intelligence and intelligent systems.
The M.Sc. program in Power Engineering & Sustainable Energy is designed to meet the needs of the rapidly evolving technologies in the areas of Smart Grids, Renewable Energy Systems, and Energy Storage.
The Business Administration program was designed according to the latest academic, scientific, and technological requirements, which include multiple fields of knowledge and skills suited to the requirements of education and development programs.
In 2012, the accounting bachelor's degree program was launched at PSUT. This program teaches financial reporting, auditing, taxation, and other related areas, including technology applications.