Online Gaming Club

In response to the rapid technological development happening in the world, and the fact that most young people are involved in online gaming, in 2018, the Deanship of Student Affairs launched a club for PSUT students specifically for online gaming. The aim was to harness the energy of young people and direct it to the right channels, as well as to showcase those PSUT students who show outstanding talent in these games. This club has had a great impact in highlighting online gaming by setting up several tournaments for PSUT students, as well as organizing specialized courses on how to create online games. The club has also held several official tournaments open to other Jordanian universities, held either at the PSUT campus or remotely via the Internet. Any student can join this club as a general member or as part of the administrative body, in accordance with the rules and regulations governing student clubs in force at the university.


The club’s activities and achievements:

One: Hosting and organizing the first-ever online gaming tournament for Jordanian universities, with the participation of 16 universities.

Two: Organizing the first online FIFA gaming tournament, which was held remotely via the Internet during the Coronavirus pandemic. 390 students representing 19 universities took part in the tournament.

Three: Organizing specialized training courses for PSUT students in the creation and programming of online games. The courses were given under the supervision of specialized technical staff.

Four: Holding several internal tournaments for PSUT students in online games and online chess.