With branches in many universities around the world, IEEE is the largest global organization concerned with technology, its development and related scientific research in all fields. Its mission is to educate students about the role of the organization and help develop their skills and conduct a wide range of activities for students.
Our vision at the PSUT branch is to enrich students’ practical experience by making field visits to various facilities that will increase the level of their awareness and engineering sense. It also conducts a variety of training workshops that suit different disciplines, charging nominal prices. Each workshop is usually followed by project work or a field visit that fits with what has been learned, in order to ensure that the theoretical and practical knowledge reach the same level. The club was founded in 2000.
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A brief introduction to the club:
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is the largest international organization concerned with all fields of technology, development and related scientific research, and has branches in many universities around the world. Its mission is to educate students about the Institute’s role and to help them develop their skills, and to set up various activities of all kinds for students.
Established in 2000, the vision of the PSUT branch of IEEE is to enrich students' practical experience by making field visits to various facilities that will raise their level of engineering awareness and sense. It also undertakes to organize various training workshops that suit different disciplines. Each workshop is usually followed by an appropriate project or field visit, where the focus is on both the theoretical and practical aspects.
The club’s activities and achievements:
- The largest annual IEEE Day was organized to introduce the club and its activities. The event was held on 18/10/2020 via Zoom, with the aim of bringing together engineers around the world and IEEE members to share their technical ideas. The IEEE has been in existence since 1884.
- A Jordanian team made up of members of the IEEE Clubs at PSUT and Yarmouk University won first place globally in the Huawei ICT Skills Competition for the year 2020, which was held via video communication technology from the company’s headquarters in China, with the participation of 39 countries, represented by 109 teams made up of 327 students.
- 13/11/2020 - The club held a debate by IEEE Women in Engineering, entitled:
"This house believes that companies should be obliged to employ a minimum number of female executives".
The aim of the event was to empower women in the workplace.
- A film entitled "Hidden Figures" was shown by IEEE WIE. The film is about three women who faced challenges and difficulties while working for NASA.
- 4/11/2020 - The IEEE Computer Society organized a discussion on the concept of Blockchain. The speaker Muhammad Al-Qaymari participated in the discussion.
- 11/11/2020 - The IEEE Computer Society organized a discussion on Machine learning and the future. Topics revolved around the importance of artificial intelligence and the extent of change that will occur in the future. The speaker Omar Al-Qutaishat participated in the discussion.
- 18/11/2020 - The IEEE Computer Society organized a discussion on topics related to Web Development and its importance in the future. The speaker, Zaid Tobasy, a PSUT graduate and one of the founders of Amman Dynamics, participated in the discussion.
- 25/11/2020 - Mr. Boutros Kawas presented a workshop via the Google Meets platform entitled ‘The Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Energy Efficiency’. The event was organized by the Department of Electrical Power and Energy Engineering (IEEE-PES Student Club), and was attended by Dr. Omar Obeidi.
- 13/11/2020 - An introductory meeting was held via Zoom with newly-registered students of Communications Engineering.
- 21/11/2020 - A virtual meeting, organized by ComSoc, a wing of the IEEE Student Branch, was held for Communications Engineering students via Google Meets. Farah Salah, a PSUT graduate, chaired the meeting, talking about her practical experience and career journey.
- 25/11/2020 - The IEEE ComSoc and IEEE Communications Society organized a discussion on the importance of data privacy and how things will change due to cyber threats. Communications engineer Farah Salah participated in the discussion.
- 18/12/2020 - IEEE ComSoc organized a Zoom meeting with Dr. Sami Dalameh to talk about new developments in “Internet of Things” and “5G”. IEEE membership was given to three students who answered his questions correctly. Dr. Sami also talked about the importance of each new generation, such as the 6th generation and beyond.
- 25/12/2020 - A competition entitled "Treasure Hunting" was held. Eight teams participated, and the team ‘lilPonies’ won.
- 30/12/2020 - The IEEE ComSoc organized a discussion about the relationship of reading genes and between science and mathematics.
- 29/12/2020 - The Electrical Power & Energy Engineering (IEEE-PES Student Club) and AEE organized a ‘Creative Thinking’ workshop via the Zoom platform. The workshop was presented by Eng. Elham Erekat.
- 23/12/2020 - The Dept. of Electrical Power & Energy Engineering (IEEE-PES Student Club) and AEE organized a meeting via Zoom to discuss future scenarios for the participation of generating systems in covering loads. The workshop was presented by Eng. Omar Muhammad.
- 18/12/2020 - The IEEE-PES Student Club presented an online conference organized by the Department of Electrical Power and Energy, via Zoom. The ‘Jordan PES Conference’ saw the participation of 100 students from six sister universities: JU, PSUT, HU, YU, TTU, and BAU, and aimed to discuss the latest news and advances in the fields of technology in science and energy engineering, including the following topics:
- Fundamentals of Nuclear Energy - presented by Dr. Kamal Al-Araj.
- How to take advantage of the latest technologies such as the Internet of Things and AI to achieve better energy performance in facilities - presented by Eng. Boutros Kawas.
- Energy audit - presented by Eng. Bashar Masoud.
- IEEE-PES Power and Energy Society - presented by Eng. Tala Qawasmi.
- 9/12/2020 - IEEE ComSoc and WIE organized a discussion on UX/UI which focused on the importance of the field and the change that will occur in the future.
- 1/1/2021 - The IEEE ComSoc organized a lecture by PSUT graduate, Eng. Abdel Moneim Bata. The event, entitled “Introduction to 4G and 5G”, was held via Zoom and addressed the main differences and basics of generations, and described the main meaning of both and the differences between 4G and 5G, and applications based on these topics such as the Internet of vehicles and how they will be presented in the near future.
- 11/12/2021 - A lecture entitled ‘Personal Branding’ was organized in cooperation with IEEE UJ Student Branch. The event took place via Zoom and was presented by Dr. Dana Qaqish from the University of Jordan.
- 20/2/2021 - The IEEE-PES Student Club presented an online workshop/lecture organized by the Department of Electrical Power and Energy, via Zoom. The aim of the workshop was to learn basic tips on how to prepare for dissertation/Master's thesis defense day, how to give a high-quality presentation, and give convincing answers to examiners.
- February 2021 – The club organized a workshop on Python programming language applications, as well as a competition. During the workshops, a number of concepts and methods were discussed that help the student to understand applications in a broader way. The workshops were organized by the IEEE branches at PSUT, JU, Petra University, and IEEE Jordan section. Experts in the field were hosted, and the Python Applications Contest was announced.
- 19/3/2021 - The club and the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society organized a session entitled “What is Cloud Computing?” which was presented by the student Zaid Afana (Network and Information Security Engineering), and student Omar Mansour, Vice President of the Club.
- 12/3/2021 - A meeting was organized by the Communications branch of the club with PSUT graduate, Eng. Yahya Ghosheh.
- 10/3/2021 - The IEEE ComSoc organized a discussion on the impact of the Python programming language. The topics centered on the importance of the language of change that will occur in the future.
- 20/3/2021 - The IEEE Club’s WIE branch organized an event to celebrate Mother's Day and in appreciation of the position held by mothers in society. Some mothers from among the faculty and administrative staff were invited, as well as Zain Al-Moghrabi, who is a PSUT student and also a mother.
- 24/3/2021 - A discussion was held on the topic of "The rise of big data, machine learning, and cloud computing".
- 9/4/2021 – The Dept. of Electrical Power and Energy Engineering organized an online conference via Zoom under the title ‘IEEE PES Day 1’. The event included PES branches at the University of Jordan, Tafila Technical University, Yarmouk University, PSUT and Polytechnic University, in addition to representatives from Lebanon. There was also cooperation with branches of the Women in Engineering Society at YU, Polytechnic University, and Tafila Technical University. The event included a celebration of the first PES Day as well as the presentation of several important issues of the day, such as clean energy and the role of women in engineering. The conference included 100 students, and addressed the latest news and advances in technology in science and energy engineering. The topics were as follows :
- A discussion session entitled ‘WIE Ag Lebanon and Jordan Chapter’ with Engineering PhD holder, Dr. Sarah Abu Shakra - Senior Member of (IEEE) and President of the Society of Women in Engineering (WIE) in Lebanon.
- Electric Vehicles - Jihad Muhammad.
- Discussion of an important program related to clean energy development and its use to cover the shortfall in the MENA region, called AT-SGIRES, presented by the European ERASMUS+ organization - Dr. Jumana Al-Shawawra and Dr. Zaid Al-Halhouli
- Construction Coatings and Phase Change Materials (PCM) - Razan Bader
- Women in Energy Engineering - Mercy Chelangat
Wind Turbines - Dr. Adam Al-Shahoury
- 31/3/2021 - IEEE ComSoc organized a discussion on the subject of entrepreneurship and associated concepts as part of a series of discussions organized under the title “Startup Talks”. An interview took place with the speaker, Tala Nasraween, the winner of a number of international entrepreneurship awards.
- 8/4/2021 - The IEEE Communication Society and IEEE Computer Society organized a competition for IEEE Club members, based on topics in the fields of communications and computer science.
- 7/4/2021 - The IEEE ComSoc organized a discussion conducted by PSUT graduate, Eman Hylooz, to talk about the success of her entrepreneurial project, which was the launch of the first Arabic network for those who love to read.
- The IEEE Communication Club arranged a meeting about cybersecurity with student Majd Al Asfar from the Cyber Security Club. The speaker gave presentations on how to use the Internet safely, and the importance of being careful with links and using secure links that do not contain viruses or systems Phishing.
- 24/4/2021 – The Dept. of Electrical Power & Energy Engineering (AEE and IEEE-PES clubs) organized a workshop entitled: "How to start your own business". The purpose of the meeting, which took place via Zoom, was to discuss how to start our own business and how to distinguish between types of work. The workshop was presented by speakers Odai Baqaeen and Fadi Deabes, two online facilitators at Dale Carnegie Training, Jordan, and founding partners of 180 Degree Empowering People.
- 23/4/2021 - The Dept. of Electrical Power & Energy Engineering (AEE and IEEE-PES clubs) organized a workshop entitled ‘The Future of Sustainability’. The meeting addressed how Covid-19 has impacted the very systems we depend on, and about large-scale changes and transformations - positive and negative - and the situation we will find ourselves in by 2030. The lecture was delivered by speaker Marwa Mahmoud, environmental engineer, climate change consultant, and expert in energy management.
- 22/4/2021 - The Dept. of Electrical Power & Energy Engineering (AEE and IEEE-PES clubs) organized an online workshop entitled "The future of decarbonization". The meeting addressed the problems of climate change, energy efficiency, renewable energy, decarbonization, hydrogen, and space technologies. The lecture was delivered by the speaker, Samer Zawaideh, CRM, REP, an independent engineer and national expert in carbon markets.
- 23/4/2021 - The Dept. of Electrical Power and Energy Engineering (IEEE-PES Club) organized an online conference via Zoom under the title ‘IEEE PES Day 2’. The event included PES branches at the University of Jordan, Tafila Technical University, Yarmouk University, PSUT and Polytechnic University, in addition to representatives from Lebanon. There was also cooperation with branches of the Women in Engineering Society at YU, Polytechnic University, and Tafila Technical University. The conference discussed the latest news, advances and the importance of participating in the IEEE-PES Club. The topics were as follows:
- IEEE- Membership development of the IEEE-PES community - Muhammad Seif El-Din.
- Young Professionals in the IEEE-PES Community - Ms. Simai, Chair of the Professional Youth Committee of PES and Vice-Chair of the WIE Committee.
- Dr. Thiago Alencar from Brazil, Chair of PES Student Chapters Activities Committee, and his many valuable experiences.
- 29/4/2021- The Dept. of Electrical Power & Energy Engineering (AEE and IEEE-PES clubs) organized an online workshop via Zoom. The event included PES branches at the University of Jordan, Tafila Technical University, Yarmouk University, PSUT and Polytechnic University, in addition to representatives from Lebanon. There was also cooperation with branches of the Women in Engineering Society at YU, Polytechnic University, and Tafila Technical University. The event included a celebration of PES Day, which was also in cooperation with the PES branch of An-Najah University in Palestine.
- Motion for debate: This council believes that renewable energy can completely replace fossil fuels.
- The audience formed the adjudicating body.
- The following teams participated:
- 18/5/2021 - The Dept. of Electrical Power & Energy Engineering (AEE and IEEE-PES clubs) organized an online workshop entitled "Sustainability and Business".
The lecture was presented by Amal Jaradat, an engineer in renewable energy and sustainable development, with experience in numerous positions.
- 24 + 25/5/2021 - The Dept. of Electrical Power & Energy Engineering (AEE and IEEE-PES clubs) presented a two-day online workshop entitled ‘Earthing Concepts’, via Zoom. The lecture was presented by Eng. Ahmed Abu Ghazzal, who works at the Electrical Training Center - National Electric Power Company (NEPCO).
- 9/5/2021 - IEEE ComSoc hosted PSUT graduate Hiba Shabrouq to talk about internal entrepreneurship. She also touched on the success stories of some fellow entrepreneurs.