NLP Research Group

The Natural Language Processing Research Groups at the King Hussein School of Computing Sciences, PSUT, conducts theoretical and applied research in different areas in this field.

Areas of Focus

  • Semantic Processing
  • Lexical Semantic
  • Ontology
  • Latent Semantic Analysis
  • Linguistic Resources
  • Paraphrasing
  • Language Generation
  • Text Entailment
  • Machine Translation
  • Information Retrieval
  • Text mining
  • Question Answering

NLP Research Group


YEAR Title Author Download Link
2017 The Use of Hidden Markov Model in Natural Arabic Language Processing: a survey. Suleiman D., Awajan A., Etaiwi A. PDF PPT Link
2017 Statistical Arabic Name Entity Recognition Approaches: A Survey. Etaiwi W., Awajan A., Suleiman D. PDF PPT Link
2017 Bag-of-Concept Based Keyword Extraction from Arabic Documents. Suleiman D., Awajan A. PDF PPT Link
2017 Semantic Elements Extraction based on Syntactic Structure of Arabic Sentences. Hraiz R., Khader M., Awajan A., Al-Kouz A. PDF PPT Link
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