The Dean's Message


The Deanship of Admissions and Registration (DAR) at Princess Sumaya University for Technology is essential in supporting the university's mission of teaching and learning. DAR guides students through their entire academic journey, from pre-admission to graduation, and helps them progress into esteemed professions or entrepreneurial ventures. The deanship fosters lifelong learning and maintains strong connections with students throughout their professional lives.

DAR collaborates closely with all schools, deanships, and departments to uphold the highest academic standards and implement the instructions and regulations for awarding degrees. It aims to attract talented and international students, leveraging PSUT's esteemed reputation both locally and globally.

The deanship provides a range of services to create an enriching and collaborative environment. It nurtures academically talented students, manages scholarships, and participates in joint programs with American and European universities. This commitment ensures the success and well-being of all graduates, from recent to the first cohort of alumni.

Aligned with PSUT's strategic plan, DAR prioritizes enhancing academic advising through launching an advanced system and promoting a culture of advising among students and faculty. The deanship monitors each student's academic progress, provides career guidance, training, and employment opportunities, and develops students' creativity, innovation, and leadership skills.

DAR will continue to work in a spirit of teamwork, maintaining close contact with the university community. This collaborative approach ensures the effective implementation of PSUT’s strategic plan, the achievement of its vision and mission, and the preservation of its core values.

Dean of Admissions and Registration