

School News

A Patent for PSUT Faculty Dr. Bilal Sababha

Feb 6, 2023

Dr. Bilal Sababha registers a new patent for Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT) at the US Patent Office. Dr Sababha, who works at King Abdullah II School of Engineering, registered his patent as ‘Unmanned Aerial Vehicle’ (UAV). The invention presents a new design and control system for a drone that has fewer engines than drones of the same category. The new UAV weighs and costs less. The invention came as a joint work with Dr. Osama Rawashdeh and Dr. Hamza Al-Zoubi from the Oakland University.

 PSUT President, Prof. Wejdan Abu Elhaija, appreciated Dr. Sababha’s achievement and his continuous investment in scientific and academic expertise and turning it into a product that serves all societies and sectors. Notably, under the directives of Her Royal Highness, Sumaya Bint El-hassan, The Chair of the Board of Trustees, PSUT strives to bridge the gap between scientific research theories and practice, and harnessing science to serve societies in a way that helps solve their problems.

The inventor, Dr. Sababha, pointed out that this invention contributes to the development of the drone industry, which has become an essential part of all civil and military fields. Dr. Sababha expressed his gratitude to the university and its unlimited support during his work on this invention. He also expressed his sincere thanks to the efforts of the Intellectual Property Commercialization Office at the Royal Scientific Society for its diligent follow-up until the patent has been granted.

 Dr. Sababha, who previously held the position of the dean of the King Abdullah II School of Engineering, had registered a patent in 2021 in cooperation with Dr. Yazan Qudah. The invention serves the automotive industry and smart cities, by means of a system that facilitates communication between cars and the road to exchange information and to guide drivers and control the car in a way that suits traffic conditions.

It is worth noting that Dr. Sababha holds a PhD in electrical and computer engineering/ sub-systems and automatic control. He had worked as an engineer in auto companies in the United States. He also has more than 40 research papers and a number of patents in the field of drones.

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