

A PSUT graduate, Muhannad Abweni, the founder of Hyperpay, has led his company to the top 30 most influential financial technology companies in the Middle East in 2023

Apr 17, 2023

Hyperpay, established by Muhannad Abweni, who graduated from PSUT in 1999 with a major in Computer Science , is among the top 30 financial technology companies in the Middle East for 2023.
Mr. Muhannad Abwini has recently established a partnership with MasterCard International Cards, which is marked the largest investment made by MasterCard in a startup company within the region. Furthermore, Muhannad is currently the President and Executive Founder of Hyperpay, which he established in 2010.
In 2022, the company processed $7 billion in transactions between merchants and businesses, up from $4.7 billion in 2021. Hyperpay specializes in integrated electronic payment services and solutions, targeting major merchants with its headquarters located in Amman, Jordan. The company offers financial, marketing, and consultancy services to its clients, providing all the necessary infrastructure for electronic transactions. Moreover, Hyperpay operates in multiple countries within the region.
The President of the University, Prof. Wejdan Abu Elhaija, expressed her admiration for the accomplishments of the university's graduates on a local, regional, and global levels. Amjad and a few other PSUT students were recognized for their innovative ideas and use of entrepreneurial technology, which closely align with the needs of the current job market and its rapid developments.
Professor Abu Elhaija also conveyed her pride in the university's graduates, who have made a name for themselves in various industries, including the financial technology sector. Those graduates have embodied the visions and directives of HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, the Chairman of the University's Board of Trustees, to prepare leaders in entrepreneurship and innovation from the younger generation, and to strengthen Jordan’s position in the world of technology that is consistent with financial and technological disciplines.
Muhannad Abweni praised PSUT for its ongoing efforts regular communication with its graduates and careful monitoring of their professional journey after graduation are key factors in their continued success. He expressed his gratitude for being a PSUT graduate, which offers a global perspective through its diverse specializations and competencies that lead to employment opportunities in various fields.

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