

A University Delegate Visits Princess Sumaya University for Technology and the Royal Scientific Society

Mar 7, 2023

PSUT president Prof. Wejdan Abu Elhaija and members of the University Deans' Council, received a university delegate that included: Prof. Deepak Devan, Director of the Center for Power Distribution at Georgia Tech University in the United States of America, Prof. Liuchen Chang from the University of New Brunswick in Canada, former President of the Power Electronics Society at IEEE, and Prof. Issa Batarseh from the University of Central Florida, Director Power Electronics Center in Florida, USA .

During the meeting, Abu Elhaija reviewed the university's journey of excellence, the most prominent achievements it made in various academic and research fields, and extracurricular activities of university students. Abu Elhaija stressed how keen HRH Princess Sumaya bint Al-Hassan, Chair of the PSUT Board of Trustees, is to network with international research and energy centers so as to benefit from their expertise.

The members of the delegate gave lectures on specific topics in the presence of PSUT President, the Vice President, Prof. Bassam Hammo, the deans and their deputies, the heads of departments of the King Abdullah II School of Engineering, a number of professors and students of the School, and the Vice President of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE- Prof. Mohamed Salah. Prof. Deepak Devan gave a lecture on “Future Grid as an Enabler of Decarbonization”, while Prof. Issa Batarseh lectured on “Disruptive Technologies in Energy Insdustry”.

Prof. Liuchen Zhang reviewed the latest developments in the field of power electronics and the activities carried out by the power electronics society at the IEEE.

On the sidelines of the meeting, the delegate visited the National Center for Energy Research at the Royal Scientific Society, where they were received by Acting Director of the National Center for Energy Research, Eng. Walid Shaheen, the head of the energy laboratories department, Eng. Iman Al-Amriyya, the head of the bioenergy and wind energy department, Eng. Nidal Abdullah, and engineer Seif El-Din Abu Bakr, supervisor of the solar cells laboratory.

Engineer Walid Shaheen gave an explanation of the history and duties of the center since its establishment. He briefed the status of renewable energy in Jordan and the obstacles that prevent its further spread.

The delegate also visited the energy laboratories in the RSS, where the laboratory supervisors explained the nature of the services and tests provided by the ‘solar cells’ laboratory and ‘energy label’ laboratory (home appliances).

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