

Delegation from Gulf Cooperation Council Discusses Cooperation Prospects with PSUT

Aug 28, 2022

The Acting President of Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Prof. Wejdan Abu Elhaija, welcomed a delegation from the Gulf Cooperation Council to discuss possible avenues of cooperation with Gulf universities and institutions, as well as ways to improve in the academic and research fields, and the exchange of expertise and academic visits for faculty members and students. Also in attendance at the meeting were the head of the Higher Education Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission, Prof. Dhafer Al-Sarayrah, the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Mamoun M. Al-Debi'e, the advisor to Her Highness the Chair of the university’s Board of Trustees, Prof. Mashhoor Al-Refai, the Vice President of PSUT, Prof. Mohammad Sababheh, and the deans of the Schools.

Prof. Abu Elhaija began her speech by praising the depth and strength of the Jordanian-Gulf relations, and the fruitful partnerships that link the university with many universities in the GCC countries. She said that she welcomed every opportunity to expand the fields and activities of this cooperation to the mutual benefit of all parties.

Abu Al-Haijaa also reviewed the establishment of the university, its programs and specializations, the international accreditations, and rankings it has received, and the awards it has won in international competitions. She emphasized the university’s tireless efforts to forge partnerships that serve its aspirations and the advancement of its work.

Speaking on behalf of the delegation, Dr. Khaled Hammad praised PSUT’s status, the uniqueness of its specializations, its academic reputation, and the remarkable distinction it has reached at the international level. He pointed out that this visit comes in the context of learning about rich academic experiences that help higher education decision-makers in the GCC countries to create programs that serve the development of higher education. and scientific research.

During the meeting, the supervisor of PSUT’s Cisco Academy, Eng. Ashraf Sabha, presented an overview of its activities, programs, and its role in serving the local and global community. The Director of the e-Learning Center, Dr. Adiy Tweissi, reviewed the university's activities in "Metaverse" technology and its journey with e-learning and its developments, while Hamza Abdi presented a review of the programs and activities of the cybersecurity laboratories.

PSUT is linked with many universities in the GCC countries via a series of cooperation agreements and memoranda of understanding.

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