

Princess Sumaya University for Technology achieves first places in Orange's “5G Hackathon” competition

Aug 9, 2023

In the framework of the “Innovation Space” project, Princess Sumaya University for Technology achieved both the first and second positions in Orange's Fifth Generation Hackathon competition. This project, a collaborative effort involving the Information and Communications Technology Association of Jordan “intaj” and technical partner Nokia. Notably, this achievement coincides with Orange Jordan's upcoming market launch of this technology.

The Orange team, which included student Mosa Abu Mazer from the Department of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at King Hussein School of Computing Sciences won the first place. In second place was the (AIES) team, comprising students Ahmed Tariq Hammad, Celine Amjad Qarajeh, Omar Hafez Hourani, and Omar Hassan Mustafa.

The SpeedX team, consisting of students Mohammad Abu Areeda, Rami Abdel Halim Abu Kishk, and Maya Mohammad Awwad, and under the supervision of Dr. Ammar Odeh, also secured a place among the top 6 qualified competing teams.

Prof. Wejdan Abu Elhaija, President of PSUT, expressed her pride in the accomplished students for this prestigious achievement. She noted that their success reflects the exceptional dedication demonstrated by the student teams in the competition. Their exceptional skills in programming and inventive solutions affirm the quality of education and training offered by the university. This also underscores the university's pivotal role in honing the skills of youth, enabling them to keep pace with the technological and scientific developments.

Prof. Ashraf Ahmed, Dean of the King Hussein School of Computing Sciences, commended the technical and creative talents of the students who secured first places in their first engagement in this specialized competition. This accomplishment underscores the alignment between university offerings and market-demanded technical skills.

The “Innovation Space” project is a three-year program co-funded by the European Union through the “Innovate Jordan” program. This program is aimed at fostering digital empowerment and cultivating a culture of innovation on a broad scale. The Organization of the fifth-generation hackathon serves to bolsters the ideas of innovators by utilizing fifth-generation technology in specific sectors. This approach enhances their skills, unlocks fresh possibilities, and prepares Jordanian youth for the forthcoming digital changes.

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