

Princess Sumaya University for Technology President holds a meeting with faculty members to review the university's strategic plan for 2030

Jul 17, 2023

In the process of formulating a strategic plan for the university, Professor Wejdan Abu Elhaija, the president of PSUT, conducted a dialogue meeting with faculty members across all schools and departments. The purpose of this meeting was to gather feedback on the draft strategic plan. This meeting was one of several meetings undertaken to prepare and refine the university's strategic plan.

After outlining the pillars of the strategic plan, main and sub-objectives, and proposed performance indicators, Abu Elhaija commenced a dialogue session that provided an opportunity for faculty members to express their perspectives, exchange ideas, and contribute their valuable experiences in reviewing the proposed strategic plan. Emphasizing the significance of collaboration among all stakeholders, Abu Elhaija emphasized the need for the university's strategic plan to align with its vision and mission. Recognizing the crucial role of faculty members in realizing the university's vision, the university president conveyed her appreciation for dedication to serving the university and highlighted the importance of their feedback in crafting a well-structured, comprehensive, and actionable strategic plan within specified timelines.

Faculty members have made valuable contributions with numerous proposals and ideas, aiming to enrich the plan's content and promote leadership, innovation and upholding the university's prominence and distinction across academic and administrative domains, locally, regionally, and globally.

As part of an extensive series of sessions led by the University President, various key stakeholders have been engaged, including students, faculty, alumni, private sector representatives, industry professionals, and the local community. The objective of these consultations is to gather a range of perspectives and ensure that the university's plan aligns with the vision and aspirations of Her Royal Highness Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, Chairman of the University's Board of Trustees, for establishing a globally renowned university that has a national heritage.

Abu Elhaija emphasized the significance of teamwork and capitalizing on past accomplishments, fostering participation from all individuals based on their respective specializations and roles in the decision-making process. This comes as Princess Sumaya University for Technology is preparing to enter a new era of growth and innovation. The plan is set to be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval, paving the way for its implementation. The strategic plan will serve as an exceptional roadmap, guiding the university community in maintaining excellence across education, scientific research, innovation, and community service.

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