

Princess Sumaya University for Technology Qualifies for Huawei ICT Innovation Competition

Apr 1, 2024

A team from Princess Sumaya University for Technology has qualified for the Huawei ICT Innovation Competition, set to take place in China at the end of May. Their qualification follows regional participation in the Middle East and Central Asia. The competition consisted of two stages: Initially, over 30 teams participated, with only 11 progressing to the next stage. In the second stage, projects were evaluated by a panel of judges, resulting in the team's successful advancement to the finals, alongside teams from Iraq and Pakistan.

The qualified team comprises students Mohammad Khawaja, Qusay Abdo, and Mohammad Madi, under the supervision of Dr. Ammar Odeh, Director of the University’s Consultation and Training Center.

University President Prof. Wejdan Abu Elhaija expressed pride in the team's achievement, emphasizing support for students in developing their skills and fostering innovation in technology. Prof. Abu Elhaija also highlighted the ongoing support of HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees, in enhancing the research and innovation environment at the university. In response, the university has introduced programs aimed at enhancing innovation and creativity, as well as providing financial support, training, and consultation, including incubating entrepreneurial ideas all the way to assisting in the establishment of startups and community projects.

Dr. Ammar Odeh, the competition supervisor, outlined the competition's focus on creative ideas using Huawei applications, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, noting specific criteria used by the judging committee to determine winners.

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