

School News

Princess Sumaya University for Technology Secures First Place in 2024 Women in Data Science Challenge at Student Level

Mar 17, 2024

A team from King Hussein School of Computing Sciences secured the top spot among global universities in the 2024 Women in Data Science Challenge, hosted by Stanford University. The competition drew 1,542 participants from universities and companies representing 100 countries.

The winning team, comprised of students Nasser Al Bis, Rama Al-Bashar, Reem Al-Hindi, and Kareem Ballan, under the guidance of Dr. Bushra Alhijawi and Prof. Mohammad Al-Azza, was recognized as the best student team worldwide. They clinched the ninth position in the overall rankings, encompassing both university and corporate participants.

The University President, Prof. Wejdan Abu Elhaija, expressed pride in the university students and their supervisors who compete globally with those possessing specialized experience and skills.

Abu Elhaija emphasized that these achievements showcase the scientific capabilities and research skills of the school’s professors, highlighting the university’s role in fostering research and development and supporting students in attaining global success across various technological fields.

Prof. Abu Elhaija extended gratitude to HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees, for her continuous support of the university’s students and their supervisors. This support assists students in addressing challenges in various sectors and encourages them to propose innovative solutions benefiting the global community.

Dr. Firas Alghanim, Dean of King Hussein School of Computing Sciences, highlighted the team's development of an artificial intelligence model focused on healthcare equity. This model aims to predict the likelihood of a patient's diagnosis period being under 90 days using various patient-related variables.

Additionally, it's noteworthy that two teams from the university secured the first and second positions among global universities in the 2023 Women in Data Science Challenge.

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