

Princess Sumaya University for Technology Secures Top Position Globally in the Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition (CPTC 9)

Jan 16, 2024

Princess Sumaya University for Technology achieved first place globally in the Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition (CPTC 9) hosted at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), New York, USA. The competition included 15 teams, all from prestigious U.S. universities, and PSUT was the only team from outside the United States. Stanford University secured the second position, with the University of Massachusetts Amherst came in third.

The winning team comprised students and faculty from King Hussein School of Computing Sciences and King Abdullah II School of Engineering. The team members were Nizar Dradakah, Omar Hamada, Mustafa Alshawwa, Hamza Al-Sahat, Ahmad Al-Jundi, Sami Abdul Rahman, under the supervision of Dr. Mohammad Ababneh and Dr. Qutaiba Albluwi.

Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees, congratulated the winning team and their supervisors on their outstanding success in this esteemed international competition. She expressed her pride in the university’s students and professors for showcasing exceptional skills and deep knowledge in the field of cybersecurity.

Her Highness emphasized that this accomplishment showcases the university's excellence and its global competitiveness as a prominent center for education and scientific research. This serves as motivation to strive for further successes in the future.

The University President, Professor Wejdan Abu Elhaija, expressed delight in the winning students and their supervisors. She commended their continuous efforts and dedication throughout the three-month-long competition, highlighting their exceptional skills and deep knowledge in cybersecurity that led to this significant achievement.

Professor Abu Elhaija also mentioned that this achievement is a significant step in improving the university's standing globally. It underscores excellence in education and the innovative programs it offers, keeping pace with the ongoing technological and technical advancements.

In October 2023, the university team clinched the first place in the regional qualifiers for the Middle East, Africa, and Europe among 250 university teams from 8 global regions in the penetration testing competition. This win qualified them for the global competition, where they competed against 15 teams in the finals after a three-month-long qualifying process.

It is worth noting that in this global competition, sponsored by IBM and other companies and focused on cybersecurity, competing teams analyze the networks of specific institutions. Their objective is to identify security gaps and potential breaches, followed by the submission of a detailed technical report for evaluation by professional judges.

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