


Nov 4, 2021

The Vice President of Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Prof. Wejdan Abu-Elhaija, graduated the school students participating in the "AI-Ability" workshop, which was organized by the Data Science Department at King Hussein School of Computing Sciences and the Data Science Club. The workshop was conducted via the University's online platforms, with the participation of 207 students from government and private schools from several governorates. The students ranged in age from grade 8 to grade 12.  

The week-long workshop covered the basics of artificial intelligence and data science, and provided practical training in programming in the Python language. The sessions were run under the supervision of the Dean of the School, Dr. Ashraf Ahmad, and the Head of the Data Science Department, Dr. Serin Atiani, and Dr. Bushra Alhijawi.

In her speech given at the graduation ceremony, Prof. Abu-Elhaija said that PSUT, under the directives of HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, Chair of its Board of Trustees, has always sought to meet up to its social responsibility and build bridges of cooperation with sectors of society, especially in education.

Abu-Elhaija also praised the trainers, who are all PSUT instructors, and the student members of the club, and saluted the participants for choosing this workshop, which is important in opening up horizons that serve their future education paths.

For his part, Dr. Ahmad said that the School is always keen to hold such workshops that support the University's communication with school students and shine a light on modern specializations that are of importance in the labor market.

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