

School News

PSUT Student Laila Malas Wins First Place for a Study that Aligns Human Role with Technological Progress

Feb 14, 2023

The MA student, Laila Essam Malas, from Princess Sumaya University for Technology, won first place for the best research paper in the 6th Conference on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, which was organized by Al-Ahliyya Amman University (AAU) in cooperation with the University of Business and Technology in Jeddah and Brunel University in Britain.

The research paper presented a model for matching the human role and services provided by modern technology and artificial intelligence that is capable of analyzing and extrapolating a huge amount of data and information. Ms. Malas conducted this study under the supervision of the Dean of the King Talal School of Business Technology (KTSBT), Dr. George Sammour.

In her paper, Malas discussed the current and future effects of the dominance of technology and artificial intelligence on the human role. The paper also studied the factors affecting the adoption of business intelligence in the insurance sector in Jordan and its impact on the performance of decision-making.

PSUT President, Prof. Wejdan Abu Elhaija, expressed her pride in the university's students and the excellence they achieve in various fields. She added that Malas made a national achievement since PSUT students are the country’s ambassadors and representatives in all fields. These achievements reflect the directives of HRH, Princess Sumaya Bint El Hassan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University, who always calls for raising the name of Jordan high through achieving distinguished scientific research.

KTSBT’s Dean, Dr. George Sammour, confirmed that this achievement is a merit for Malas’ efforts and excellence and the programs offered by the university. Dr Sammour added that KTSBT seeks to go global through its pioneering outputs and graduates at the practical and scientific research levels, keeping pace with technological development and renewable labor market requirements.

It is worth noting that KTSBT is the first school in Jordan to obtain AACSB accreditation, which placed PSUT among 5 % of business schools in the world that obtain this accreditation, and within 2% of universities to obtain this accreditation outside the United States of America. Moreover, the E-Marketing and Social Department at KTSBT has recently obtained the Chartered Institute of Marketing- CIM accreditation, hence becoming the first Jordanian university to obtain this accreditation for BA and MA programs in e-marketing and social media.

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