

Purdue University Academic Delegation Visits Princess Sumaya University for Technology

Aug 23, 2023

Prof. Wejdan Abu Elhaija, the President of Princess Sumaya University for Technology, welcomed an academic delegation from Purdue University, USA. Also present were Prof. Raed Musleh, Dean of King Abdullah I School for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Ali Al-Haj from King Abdullah II School of Engineering, and Maggie McDonough, Director of Practice, Global Development & Innovation at Purdue University. The aim was to explore avenues for collaboration and formulate strategies to strengthen cooperation in academic and research partnerships fields, particularly focusing on cybersecurity, data science, and artificial intelligence.

During the meeting, Prof. Abu Elhaija, emphasized PSUT's commitment to expanding avenues of collaboration and mutual communication between the two universities with the aim of creating significant partnerships that strengthen the fields of engineering, computer science, and technology.

In the meeting, Prof. Abu Elhaija reviewed the university's journey of excellence, outlining its accomplishments in academic, research, and extracurricular domains for students. Abu Elhaija emphasized the university's dedication to enhancing collaboration and engagement with international universities and research centers, with the intention of leveraging their expertise.

Joel Rasmus, the Managing Director of the Center of Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security at Purdue University, delivered a presentation about the university, highlighting its notable accomplishments, research centers, and distinctive collaborations with diverse economic sectors. He expressed his admiration for PSUT's remarkable achievements.

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