

The Accounting Program at PSUT received the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) global accreditation

May 1, 2023
The Accounting Program at King Talal School of Business Technology at PSUT has received the British Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) global accreditation to be among a limited group of Middle Eastern universities and the first Jordanian university to receive this accreditation for professional accountants.
The importance of this accreditation is that PSUT students in the Accounting Program are exempted from taking 7 out of 13 courses that are mandatory to pass the ACCA exam and become globally certified accountants. Moreover, this certification endows accounting graduates with the competencies, expertise, and ethical standards needed to assume prominent leadership positions in their future careers in various institutions and companies.
The attainment of ACCA accreditation demonstrates the unwavering commitment of PSUT and the business school to offer exceptional higher education globally. This accomplishment adds to the Accounting Program's robustness at both undergraduate and graduate levels, its alignment with international standards, and its role in enhancing the university's educational system. In addition to keeping up with career advancements worldwide and preparing leaders in entrepreneurship and innovation internationally. It also highlights the school's active involvement in promoting the financial technology revolution and pioneering technological advances that revolutionize business practices.
Established in 1904, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) is a premier institution in international financial reporting standards (IFRS). The ACCA follows global accounting practices based on international accounting standards, taught in the accounting department courses of many countries worldwide, including Jordan and various European countries, unlike the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) certification, which primarily follows American accounting standards.
It is noteworthy that King Talal School of Business Technology received international accreditation from AACSB in 2020. Last year, the Department of E-Marketing and Social Media received accreditation from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) for bachelor's and master's programs.
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