

The Launch of “Orange Corners” Program in Collaboration with Queen Rania Center for Entrepreneurship at PSUT, the Business Incubator IPARK, and the Netherlands Embassy

Aug 29, 2023

Under the esteemed patronage of HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Princess Sumaya University for Technology, the Queen Rania Center for Entrepreneurship at PSUT has organized a ceremony to officially launch the “Orange Corners” program in Jordan. The “Orange Corners” program is supported by the Kingdom of the Netherlands in collaboration with iPARK and through a strategic partnership with Zain Innovation Campus (ZINC).

The event witnessed the presence of Prof. Dr. Wejdan Abu Elhaija, President of PSUT, along with Prof. Dr. Bassam Hammo, Vice President for Administrative Affairs. Distinguished guests included His Excellency Mr. Harry Verweij, the Netherlands Ambassador to Jordan, as well as His Excellency Mr. Ahmed Hanandeh, Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship. Also in attendance were Omar Hamarneh, Advisor to Her Royal Highness Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan and Executive Director of iPARK, Serene Duwayri, Incubation Director,  Mohammad Obeidat, Director of the Queen Rania Center for Entrepreneurship, along with enthusiasts of entrepreneurship.

The objective of the Orange Corners incubation program is to provide support to 40 young Jordanian entrepreneurs who have progressed beyond the idea stage, developed a minimum viable product, and have been operating for at least one year. Additionally, the incubation program emphasizes skill enhancement, business development support, networking opportunity, masterclasses, coaching, and mentor sessions.

Prof. Wejdan Abu Elhaija, the University President, stated, “We're embarking on a new phase that encourages young entrepreneurs to drive innovation, reshape Jordan's future, and create sustainable job opportunities.” HRH Princess Sumaya Bint El Hassan, Chair of the University's Board of Trustees, provides robust support for this vision. It aims to merge innovation and entrepreneurship with education, nurturing a generation that bolsters the economy and propels innovation across various sectors, ultimately fostering societal and national progress.

Prof. Abu Elhaija also mentioned that the “Orange Corners” program goes beyond just starting businesses. It also aims to inspire creativity and give young people the power to shape their own futures. Abu Elhaija encouraged young individuals to turn challenges into chances to learn and invest in their successes.

His Excellency Mr. Ahmed Hanandeh clarified, stating: “In alignment with the objectives of the economic modernization vision, the Ministry of Digital Economy is actively supporting startups and small to medium enterprises. This includes funding and investing in these ventures to underscore Jordan's entrepreneurial significance and nurture the entrepreneurial ecosystem and entrepreneurs.” He also highlighted the ministry's support for startup owners who have demonstrated excellence and skills at local, regional, and global levels.

Mr. Harry Verweij, the Netherlands Ambassador, said: “Boosting the private sector's success is a key aim of the Netherlands-Jordan Business Support Programme. This initiative offers young Jordanian entrepreneurs a supportive platform and role models, along with access to funding and global connections. We're excited to witness entrepreneurs expanding their startups with the support of the Orange Corners initiative.”

Serene Duwayri, the Incubation Director, remarked, “We're thrilled about this partnership. Orange Corners Jordan is conducting various program activities that assist entrepreneurs in nurturing their companies and ideas, fostering innovation through inclusive services like capacity building and specialized support in logistics, legalities, accounting, and marketing. These services empower them to thrive and expand.”

Tareq Albitar, Director of Corporate Communications, Sustainability, and Innovation at Zain Jordan, shared Zain's happiness about the expanded strategic partnership joining the Zain Innovation Platform (ZINC) with the Queen Rania Center for Entrepreneurship. This partnership is part of ZINC's commitment to creating partnerships that benefit the entrepreneurial landscape in Jordan, offering support for empowering young Jordanians and startups. It also plays a role in fostering an encouraging environment for innovative ideas in the country.

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