Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering

The program aims to provide the labor market with software engineers who are able to develop the software industry locally and internationally.also aims to provide our students with the opportunity to enter this field, which is witnessing high competition


The main objectives of this program are to enable students to apply software engineering practices in their future careers by possessing the basic professional skills and knowledge to develop high-quality and innovative software solutions in various environments. In addition, Graduates should illustrate the ability to apply ethical practices in their profession and toward the community.

The program is designed to provide a solid background in both technical and managerial aspects. For the technical aspects, it provides knowledge in areas such as requirements engineering, systems design and analysis, software construction, software architecture, HCI, and software testing and maintenance. For managerial aspects, it provides knowledge in areas such as software project management and quality management.

This program is fully accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education. Our undergraduate program is highly recognized in Jordan and in the region. Our students usually maintain distinguished results in the National Competency Exam, and have obtained numerous prizes at local and international programming competitions such as the IEEEXtreme Competition, DELL EMC Competition, National Technology Parade (NTP) Competition, and the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC).

Departmental graduation requirements:

In addition to the university requirements and college requirements, the student must pass (80) credit hours distributed as follows: (68) credit hours as compulsory specialization requirements, and (12) credit hours as elective major requirements.

Possible Fields of work for Graduates:

Developing software of all kinds, developing information systems in various sectors such as telecommunications companies, banks, media institutions, and government departments. Research and development projects for companies operating in the fields of information and communication systems, e-commerce and business, education, and training in the fields of information systems, analysis, modeling and development of business systems, examination and assurance of the quality of computerized information systems.

Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering

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