

The Conclusion of the Third Edition AI Around Us Training Camp for School Students at Princess Sumaya University for Technology

May 13, 2024

The third edition of the AI Around Us training camp, part of the AI Ability initiative by the King Hussein School of Computing Sciences, concluded successfully at Princess Sumaya University for Technology. The camp spanned two days and attracted the participation 827 students from 151 public and private schools across Jordan participated.

This edition of the camp aimed to introduce basic artificial intelligence concepts to national school students while promoting ethical AI use. It also fostered communication between school and university students.

The camp activities included workshops covering various AI applications, such as generative AI and the impact of robotics. Interactive sessions delved into the positive educational and productivity effects of technology, while group discussions, involving both school and university students, focused on topics in data science and AI

Dr. Firas Ghanem, Dean of King Hussein School of Computing Sciences, expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Education, sponsors, and participating schools for their contributions to the event's success. He highlighted the university's commitment to cooperation with national institutions and sharing knowledge with the local community. He also highlighted the technology skills of our students and graduates, making them globally competitive.

Dr. Bushra Alhijawi, of the AI-Ability initiative, noted the active participation of students from grades ten to twelve. She also highlighted that inspiring and interactive sessions were held, during which various applications of artificial intelligence and responsible AI usage were discussed.

Representatives of the participating schools praised this initiative, recognizing its role in helping school administrations prepare students to embrace technological advancements positively.

At the end of the closing ceremony, Dr. Ghanem honored the platinum sponsor, FinTech Solutions, and the silver sponsor, MenaDevs, along with the organizing team.

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