The University of Michigan-Dearborn


Joint Programs with the UM-Dearborn (UM-D)

2+2 Dual-degree in Business Administration 

Stage 1: The student studies 2 years at PSUT (equivalent to 70 credit hours) as per this Checklist

Stage 2: Then study 2 years (open to a possible third year) at UM-D (equivalent to 62 credit hours) by following this Study Plan

Stage 3: Every semester, the student requests a transcript from UM-D to be submitted to PSUT's Deanship of Admissions and Registration to be eligible to receive two Bachelor’s degrees in Business Administration, a degree from each university.

Stage 4: He/she may then take the option to obtain a Master’s degree in an additional academic year.

Note: Business students must take the Capstone class "BPS 451, Strategic Management" as equivalency for the Graduation Project. However, in order to be eligible to take the class, you need to complete the prerequisite course "OM 300, Operations Management", whether at PSUT or at OU.

Admission requirements:

  • Being accepted into the Business Administration program at PSUT
  • Have a 70% minimum cumulative percentage in PSUT courses.
  • English language proficiency certificate (Internet Based TOEFL 84, or IELTS 6.5, or MELAB 76). 
  • Obtain a GPA of at least (2.0) in the courses studied at UM-D.
  • Obtain a minimum cumulative GPA of (2.8) in at least four of the undergraduate courses studied, or a BBA-Core at the College of Business (CoB) at UM-D.

Download full details about this program. These classes need to be taken at PSUT and UM-D exactly as listed to qualify for the 2 Bachelor's degrees at the end of the four years.

Updated Costs:

With the scholarship awarded by the agreement, each business credit taken at UM-Dearborn will cost approximately $930.
Most classes are three credits, so each class will cost approximately $2790.
There is a $200 charge each semester that covers the use of student services, such as computer labs and printing documents, counseling and career services, student organizations, engagement activities, and administrative services.
Students on an F-1 visa must attend full-time, which is a minimum of twelve credits (four classes) each semester.
Which means that a  typical semester will cost about $11,345.
A way to save money is to enroll in more than twelve credit hours. After the 12th credit, the cost of a business credit drops from $930 to $150.
So, the cost of fifteen credits (five classes) would be $11,795.
Not to forget that students have to purchase health insurance.


3+1+1 Joint programs in all disciplines of the King Talal School of Business Technology

The student studies 3 years in the Bachelor's program at PSUT and 2 years (open to a possible third year) at UM-D according to the pre-approved course mapping in the Learning Agreeement and conditions.

He/she is then eligible to receive a Bachelor’s degree in the chosen discipline from PSUT as well as a graduate degree from UM-D.

Note: Business students must take the Capstone class "BPS 451, Strategic Management" as equivalency for the Graduation Project. However, in order to be eligible to take the class, you need to complete the prerequisite course "OM 300, Operations Management", whether at PSUT or at OU.

Admission requirements:

  • Completion of all required courses during the first three years spent at PSUT, (equivalent to at least 105 credit hours) with a minimum cumulative average of 70%.
  • Student submits the UM-D international guest application, which is found on the 3+2 and Visiting Program Admissions website.
  • Cumulative average obtained for a minimum of 12 credit hours in the courses studied in the fourth year at UM-D must be not less than (3.0 GPA) in order for the student to continue postgraduate studies.
  • The student must meet the admission requirements for the Master's program at UM-D, which include a score of at least 550 on the GMAT Comprehensive Exam or equivalent score on the GRE Comprehensive Examination. Noting that PSUT students have the opportunity to apply for an exemption from this entrance exam if one of the following conditions is met:
    • The student graduated with a Bachelor's degree from PSUT within the last 5 years with a 3.2 GPA or a Master's degree with a 3.0 GPA.
    • The student completed at least 24 credit hours of a Master's program at PSUT during the last 5 years and with a 3.0 GPA.
    • Fulfillment of any of the other exemption conditions announced on the official website:

3+1+1 Joint program in all disciplines of the King Hussein School of Computing Sciences

The student studies 3 years in the Bachelor’s program at PSUT and 2 years (open to a possible third year) at UM-D according to a specific plan and conditions. He/she is then eligible to receive a Bachelor’s degree in the chosen discipline from PSUT as well as a Master’s degree in Computing disciplines from UM-D.

Admission requirements:


4+1+1 Joint program for all disciplines of King Abdullah II School of Engineering

The student studies 4 years in the Bachelor’s program at PSUT and 2 years (open to a possible third year) at UM-D according to a specific plan and conditions. He is then eligible to receive a Bachelor’s degree in the chosen discipline from PSUT as well as a Master’s degree in Engineering disciplines from UM-D.

Admission requirements:


For students going to UM-D directly for the Master's Degree (after graduating from PSUT in Jordan):

Effective for Winter 2023 applicants and beyond, all post-secondary transcripts from non-U.S. institutions must be submitted directly to Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE) for a Course-by-Course Evaluation Report.  The students should designate the University of Michigan-Dearborn - Graduate Studies as the recipient of the official report so that it is delivered to our university's central admission office electronically. 

Approximate costs:

  • For the 1st semester at UM-D, all students receive the discount/scholarship automatically, but then they receive it only in all semesters in which their GPA is a minimum 3.0.
  • International students must do a minimum of 12 credits per semester.
  • At the current tuition, the discount/scholarship award for 12 credits is $6105. 
  • Under the current tuition rates, with the discount/scholarship, COB (College of Business) students pay about $10,486 for 12 credits of COB courses plus the registration fee, and for 15 credit hours $10,936 plus the registration fee.
  • Don't forget to add the average cost of books or other study materials cost. 
  • Important Note: All of the colleges charge additional tuition for their courses within the 300 & 400 level.
    • 300-499 level courses in CECS (College of Engineering and Computer Science) are assessed an additional $115.00 per credit hour
    • 300-499 level courses in COB (College of Business) are assessed an additional $150.00 per credit hour
For example, if students in both colleges enroll in 12 credits numbered 300-499
  • for COB, the tuition would be about $10,486 
  • for CECS, the tuition would be about $10,066


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For English click here.

To download the brochure in Arabic  click here.

For English click here.

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